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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

President Obama Tells Israel to Give Back Land!

"No nation ever existed without some sense of national destiny or purpose. Manifest Destiny — a phrase used by leaders and politicians in the 1840s to explain continental expansion by the United States — revitalized a sense of  'mission' or national destiny for many Americans. And while the United States put into motion a quest for its Manifest Destiny, Mexico faced quite different circumstances as a newly independent country. Mexico achieved its independence from Spain in 1821, but suffered terribly from the struggle. Recovery was difficult. "  (  The doctrine of Manifold Destiny was the United State's doctrine that defined its purpose and its right to grow, send out settlers and look for a meaningful and God directed entirety.  The United States would never have come into existence except for the insight of our forefathers to see the job to completion!

Since Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California resulted from this doctrine and the war of 1849 with Mexico, if we apply the Obama prescription for Israel, should we not return to the pre-1849 borders?  We literally cheated France out of the Louisiana Purchase for a mere 15 million dollars! Obviously we should give that back also since it is worth far more than that measly 3 cents per acre! What about Alaska?  Pocket change to Russia of $7,200,000 or just $.02 per acre.  Come to think about it, the US stole all the rest from the Indians. What do you think, Mr. President?  Shouldn't it all be given back? Shall we then all move to Kenya?

Let's get real!  To exterminate Jews has been a cry throughout the ages of tyrants who have subsequently seen their own kingdoms collapse. Consider Rome, Spain, and Germany as three such poignant examples.  After its establishment by the United Nations in 1948, Israel was invaded FIVE times by the enormous power and overwhelming populations of the Muslim world. Since its first day of Israel's existence, THE major motivation the followers of Islam has been to push the Jews into the Sea.  The United Nations, inspired by it terrorist members, has issued countless declarations aimed at destabilizing Israel, then compromised, backed down, and wilted.  Islamic nations have issued Fatwas, threatened, cajoled, terrorized, declared Intifada,  rained in missiles, and littered the country with the bodies of suicide bombers in an attempt to undermine seemingly hapless Israel. As the current movie states, "Against All Odds" the Jewish homeland continues remarkably to thrive.  Its enemies, humiliated and defeated after each successive round, continue to rededicate themselves to greater armies and more overwhelming weapons for the next time. Interestingly, Israel's borders have continued to grow somewhat during this process, but still is tiny in comparison to its neighbors. Extinct?  I think not!  A modern, prosperous and creative nation continues to welcome its people with open arms to return to their ancestral homeland.

If there ever was a country that had a right to a doctrine of "Manifest Destiny," it is Israel.  In Scripture, God calls the land grant He gave to Israel, "HIS Covenant!" Genesis 15:18 states that God Himself made a covenant... Gen 15:18

"To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates —"

This Covenant for THE LAND was reaffirmed in Deut 11:24 and Joshua 1:4.  Even though this Covenant is now 4,000 years old, Israel has never possessed this great a territory and the present size is only a thirtieth the size of this Covenant land grant.

In debates, the one who sets the argument has the power of argument on it's side.  For too long, the Muslims, intent on destroying Israel, have controlled the dialogue.  Isn't it time for a new "Manifest Destiny" for Israel to be given all the territory it rightly owns?  Isn't it time for Americans and especially American Christians to stand with Israel?  Mr. President wouldn't you want to be on the side that is ultimately destined to win?  Clearly, this doctrine of "Manifest Destiny" would put the US on the God side of the debate.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

We stand with Israel

We live in a precarious world, but residents of Israel survive even more tenuous times as they find themselves surrounded with haters.  Many hostile countries have vowed to wipe out all Jews or to drive them into the sea. The Holy land they live upon was given to their ancestor Abraham and passed by inheritance to his posterity through Issac as an "Eternal covenant" from God himself.  In 1948 God, demonstrated his faithfulness, by putting His covenant people back into their Historic homeland for His own purpose as a part of His plan to finalize His promise to them.  They had been scattered over the Earth for almost 2000 years!  As the noose continues to be tightened around the neck of these, God's people, I believe that communication and especially radio communication will become more and more critical to their survival.  Therefore, we are offering to anyone who is an Israeli, a free download of our famous Code Quick Centennial program. We do this to honor the brave individuals who want to protect their Israeli homeland. We trust that a knowledge of Morse code will give them a communication advantage that will prove highly beneficial to their defense.  May my God protect Israel and give it His Peace.

Friday, March 18, 2011

How to prepare for a possible EMP Bomb

A recent article in World Net Daily told of the Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb threat to America.  Hams should take note because if such an event occurs in the future, well prepared amateur radio operators may be the last line of communication defense.  I believe that every ham should know Morse code and have a small transceiver stashed away for just such an event.  Authorities believe that an EMP bomb world fry the circuitry used in most unprotected electronic devices. They say that tube ancient tube types might be less susceptible to the effects than modern circuit board models.  In any event, we believe that you can protect your emergency equipment with a simple solution.

If you are a ham radio operator or just a radio buff, you might consider constructing a "Faraday Case!" It is a large case made of ¼" steel and lined with a copper grid. It should be grounded with large wire to a cold water line. This case should store a small 12 volt transceiver, a Morse code key, and solar cells capable of keeping your 12 Volt car battery charged. Your dipole antenna should survive, but store extra wire and coax just in case. All this could easily be contained in a small retired refrigerator. Although this idea has not been tested, we believe an old refrigerator with an extra lining of steel and copper screening inside and all grounded to your cold water line would serve perfectly and be large enough and cheap enough to do the job.
Another solution would be to use a combination lock safe or a gun safe or such.  Be sure you ground it as described above.

After the EMP bomb, assemble your rig then go on the air and check to see how extensive the damage is. Who knows, you might be the only connection to the world remaining in your area. Your lifeline may prove to be crucial to the survival of your family and that of your community. Like the Boy Scouts say, "Be Prepared!"

Our article about the danger of an EMP blast may be read at:!&id=6006028 

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Television Show We Should All Watch

The Quarter Century Wireless Association brought to our attention that Leo will be featured during the Willard Scott segment of the Today show on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. The Today show is usually, but not always, viewed 7 AM to 9 AM on the local NBC channel. Be sure you watch!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Egypt and Morse Code in the news!

As seen in the Huffington Post, 1/30/11 
"Internet not working, police cars burning," sent out one Egyptian. "Today marks a great day for Egypt," sent out another.
These messages weren't coming from mobile phones or computers, but from an amateur radio sending out Morse Code somewhere amidst the chaos in Egypt.
The Egyptian government's efforts to limit communications within the country has triggered a wave of activism from an international group of free speech activists on the Internet called Telecomix.
Organizing using chat rooms, wikis, and collaborative writing tools, this largely anonymous group has worked to inform Egyptians about their communications options while receiving incoming messages from them. Telecomix has previously worked on free speech efforts in Tunisia, Iran, China and other countries who have tried to censor or block parts of the Internet.
Egypt has been identified as a "top priority" for Telecomix on one of its network sites, We Re-Build. It has a wiki set up as a one-stop shop with the latest chat rooms and resources for the ongoing efforts.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Code Quick Centennial Upgrade Special

Just a note to all you users about the new Code Quick Centennial Edition. We are excited to announce a free special for anyone who ever purchased any of our products. You may upgrade for just $38.95 and give away a free learning system to a friend of your choosing!  Just log in to and go to "Products" and follow the Upgrade links.  Happy hamming and here's to a host of new CW users.
Jerry W6TJP

Friday, January 21, 2011

Morse Code Quick Blogger - Welcome

We have set up this blog so that everyone interested in Morse code can have access to the latest news. We are interested in your blogs that give hints and kinks for mastering Morse code and all about your success and suggestions for our Code Quick products. We are also in hearing about how you use Morse code and any historical stories regarding Morse code. We especially want to know your stories involving, amateur radio, war related stories, emergency and catastrophe utilization, boating stories and medical applications. Feel free to ask questions and have the Morse code community respond.  Happy Morse coding!
Jerry Wheeler W6TJP