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Friday, March 18, 2011

How to prepare for a possible EMP Bomb

A recent article in World Net Daily told of the Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb threat to America.  Hams should take note because if such an event occurs in the future, well prepared amateur radio operators may be the last line of communication defense.  I believe that every ham should know Morse code and have a small transceiver stashed away for just such an event.  Authorities believe that an EMP bomb world fry the circuitry used in most unprotected electronic devices. They say that tube ancient tube types might be less susceptible to the effects than modern circuit board models.  In any event, we believe that you can protect your emergency equipment with a simple solution.

If you are a ham radio operator or just a radio buff, you might consider constructing a "Faraday Case!" It is a large case made of ¼" steel and lined with a copper grid. It should be grounded with large wire to a cold water line. This case should store a small 12 volt transceiver, a Morse code key, and solar cells capable of keeping your 12 Volt car battery charged. Your dipole antenna should survive, but store extra wire and coax just in case. All this could easily be contained in a small retired refrigerator. Although this idea has not been tested, we believe an old refrigerator with an extra lining of steel and copper screening inside and all grounded to your cold water line would serve perfectly and be large enough and cheap enough to do the job.
Another solution would be to use a combination lock safe or a gun safe or such.  Be sure you ground it as described above.

After the EMP bomb, assemble your rig then go on the air and check to see how extensive the damage is. Who knows, you might be the only connection to the world remaining in your area. Your lifeline may prove to be crucial to the survival of your family and that of your community. Like the Boy Scouts say, "Be Prepared!"

Our article about the danger of an EMP blast may be read at:!&id=6006028 

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Television Show We Should All Watch

The Quarter Century Wireless Association brought to our attention that Leo will be featured during the Willard Scott segment of the Today show on Wednesday, March 9, 2011. The Today show is usually, but not always, viewed 7 AM to 9 AM on the local NBC channel. Be sure you watch!