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Friday, January 21, 2011

Morse Code Quick Blogger - Welcome

We have set up this blog so that everyone interested in Morse code can have access to the latest news. We are interested in your blogs that give hints and kinks for mastering Morse code and all about your success and suggestions for our Code Quick products. We are also in hearing about how you use Morse code and any historical stories regarding Morse code. We especially want to know your stories involving, amateur radio, war related stories, emergency and catastrophe utilization, boating stories and medical applications. Feel free to ask questions and have the Morse code community respond.  Happy Morse coding!
Jerry Wheeler W6TJP


  1. Hi Jerry,

    Thanks for creating a Code Quick and morse code blog.

    Just wanted to let you know you have a great education product that helped me back in 1998 go from 0 wpm to over 20 wpm in 4 months (Technician to Extra). Thanks again!

    John, KU4PJ

  2. It has been years since I have even remembered the code much less being able to copy, albeit still slow. This is the best system that I have ever tried for any language. Thanks for the system. It is definitely worth the price.
